There’s nothing quite like a little adventure to capture some great astro photos. For our #EveryNewMoon project #4 Cory, Brendon and I hiked the Drakensberg Mountains to capture some spectacular views. Cory and I photographed this area 2 year before, so we’ve been itching to get back here and improve on our efforts from back then. […]
LMC from January 2016 #EveryNewMoon This LMC was shot from dark skies, in the start on our #EveryNewMoon 2016 adventure in Sutherland, South Africa. The primary target for the trip was Barnard’s Loop, and this was a bonus as all the imaging conditions turned out perfect! Data: B: 13×300 Sec R: 20x 300 Sec G:15 […]
Star Trails in the City When we started our #EveryNewMoon project of 2016 we set out with intentions of travelling to shoot if the weather at home was not cooperating. The whole point of the project after all is to ensure we keep shooting, and chase darker skies when we can! Facing some tough work commitments, I was […]
As I enter my 4th year of being an astrophotographer, I can finally tick this target off my list. I’ve imaged Barnard’s before but wasn’t satisfied with the result. And so, it became the 1st target of #EveryNewMoon, an imaging project Cory (@theastroshake) and I started for 2016. I’ll write more about the project in […]
The most spectacular deep sky targets of the southern hemisphere, in our humble opinion, are some of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring objects available to amateur astronomers and astrophotographers. Put it on your bucket list to come and visit! Words and photos by Cory and Tanja Schmitz 1. Milky Way Galaxy Core The full galactic center […]
The Helix Nebula is a large planetary nebula located in Aquarius. It’s faint and difficult to capture detail, requiring dedication to gather enough time on the target. I shot the Helix a year prior, at the same star party, and was intent on bettering the result this year.
Christian van den Berge who runs recently ran this interview with me. I share a lot of my astro work, but not always the story behind what brought me to astrophotography and the ‘behind the scenes’ stuff. He runs an informative site and worth a visit: DSLR ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY WITH ASTROTANJA
Learn how to capture the wonders of the cosmos on camera. Astronomical deep-sky telescopic images and wide field night-sky photographs taken and processed by Tanja and Cory ( are displayed and explained in detail.
(Click here for a higher resolution) Date: 28 March 2014 Location: Sutherland, South Africa. Equipment Officina Stellare HiperAPO105 Canon60Da Orion SSAG Celestron Advance VX
IC2944, The running chicken nebula (30 March 2014, Sutherland, South Africa) IC2944, The Running Chicken Nebula, is located in the constellation Centaurus. To image this I used the 8” Orion Astrograph and Canon 60Da. The light gathering capabilities of the scope at F/3,9 is a pleasure to work with, but left me with a very […]