During my May 2013 Sutherland trip I photographed a lot of targets. As the Milky Way core was rising, Carina was setting. I managed to get a few images in before she set but left the data unedited the last few months as I was frustrated with some PixInsight processes. I revisited my last edit, and after using the MorphologicalTransformation process I’m happy to call it “done”.
Same image, a little more attention a few months later… a much better result.
Higher resolution on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/astro-tanja/11481719113/
10 May 2013
Sutherland, South Africa
20min. 10x 120sec
ISO 800
10x Darks / no flats or bias
Officina Stellare HiperAPO105
Celestron CGem DX
Guided with PHD, SSAG 50mm Orion Guide Scope
Image acquisition : Nebulosity
Processing: PixInsight