IC2944, The running chicken nebula (30 March 2014, Sutherland, South Africa) IC2944, The Running Chicken Nebula, is located in the constellation Centaurus. To image this I used the 8” Orion Astrograph and Canon 60Da. The light gathering capabilities of the scope at F/3,9 is a pleasure to work with, but left me with a very […]
NGC 3324 is a star forming region at the northwest corner of the Carina Nebula. It is called the Gabriela Mistral nebula, because of the resemblance with the Nobel Prize winning Chilean poet. It’s shown in the center of this image, with Eta Carina Nebula to the left and NGC 3293 upper right.
The Helix Nebula NGC 7293, large planetary nebula in Aquarius